Rotary Club of Boca Raton Sunrise Photo Gallery

Rotary Club Boca Raton Sunrise and the Interact Club FAU High School, in partnership with US Hunger
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The Rotary Club Boca Raton Sunrise and the Interact Club of FAU High School, in partnership with US Hunger, packaged 10,000 meals that will be delivered to hungry families in the Boca Raton Community. Thank you to the YMCA for graciously providing the venue. We also want to thank the support and help of the Rotary Club Downtown Boca Raton, Kindness Angels, and volunteers from Spanish River High and, most of all, Boca Helping Hands for picking up the meals and delivering them to families in need

Together we....
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Rotary People of Action

Service Project: Building Bicycles with the Fuller Center - July 2021
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We joined the Fuller Center at their west campus to put together bikes that they will distribute to their Pre-K students to celebrate their graduation. We were joined by volunteers from Boca Grove who helped us put together 54 bikes the first day!